British Sugar 2023-24 Campaign End Dates

British Sugar
Thursday, February 22, 2024
Given the wet conditions, we will be reducing slice rates at our Bury St Edmunds, Cantley and Wissington factories for the next week. This will support increasing the campaign length, to allow growers to deliver to their contracted factory. We will continue to maximise the slice rate at Newark with available beet supply. The new expected campaign end dates for each site are as follows: Bury St Edmunds: 11th March Wissington: 15th March Cantley: 28th March Newark: 28th March This is a worst-case end date for Bury St Edmunds, which will remain open after 6th March on a day-by-day basis, subject to sufficient beet supply. We are providing this range to give as much transparency as possible and allow growers the ability to plan.
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