British Sugar has processed 7.7 million tonnes of sugarbeets, producing 1.1 million tonnes of sugar

British Sugar
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
British Sugar has processed 7.7 million tonnes of sugarbeets, producing 1.1 million tonnes of sugar, matching last season's results. Director Dan Green praised strong yields and factory performances, with optimism for the next season thanks to favorable weather. With centenary celebrations due to take place throughout the year, Dan’s sights are set on the next crop to go into the ground. He continues: “Drilling is now underway in some areas and providing some favourable weather and I am optimistic about the coming season. The colder winter and frost patches seen across our growing areas throughout January and February are expected to keep levels of aphids carrying Virus Yellows disease to a minimum but as always this is closely monitored across the industry".
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