NFU Energy launches environmental scheme for sugar beet growers

NFU Sugar
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
NFU Energy has launched a new pilot scheme offering sugar beet growers the opportunity to access incentive payments for the delivery of environmental services on-farm. The scheme, delivered in partnership with the Landscape Enterprise Network (LENs), offers sugar beet growers the opportunity to sell environmental services to downstream supply chain partners, allowing manufacturers of goods containing homegrown sugar to invest directly in the environmental sustainability of their raw materials. NFU Sugar Board chair Michael Sly said: “We have been working with NFU Energy and Nestlé on the project for the last two years, and it’s really exciting to see the scheme now launched and available for growers to apply. “The scheme shows the ambitious work of NFU Sugar and UK beet growers to deliver a climate-friendly sector while also giving growers the opportunity to be incentivised and fairly rewarded for producing sugar beet in a lower carbon manner".
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