Regionally produced brown sugar available, says Sugar Association of the Caribbean

Loopnews St Lucia
Monday, February 19, 2024
The Sugar Association of the Caribbean (SAC) is advising that there’s no need to import brown sugar as there are many options available in the region. SAC made this clear as it noted it was deeply concerned about local media reports from St Lucia that suggest that a shortage of brown sugar on the island has created a need to import extra-regional brown sugar. SAC Chairman Mac McLachlan says, “SAC recognises that sugar supply and demand is a serious business, but we can confirm regionally produced brown sugar is available.” He continued, “There are four countries and eight producers of sugar in CARICOM. So, there are plenty options that can be exercised without shopping extra-regionally.” He concluded by saying, “The regional sugar industry is playing its part in achieving the ‘25 % x 2025 food-import-reduction target’ agreed by CARICOM Member States, and heavily promoted by regional Ministers of Agriculture.
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