Ukrainian sugar producers ask to postpone the ban on its export

APK Inform (Ukraine)
Monday, June 5, 2023
The National Association of Sugar Producers of Ukraine "Ukrsugar" believes that the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to impose a ban on the export of sugar from Ukraine will prevent its producers from fulfilling already concluded export contracts and deprive them of foreign exchange earnings. It will also complicate the planning of work in the upcoming season for the enterprises of the industry, the acting director said. Chairman of the association Nazar Mikhailovin, the press service of "Ukrsugar" reported. As N. Mikhailovin explained, the government's decision to introduce a zero quota for sugar supplies abroad from June 5 to September 15 will hit the industry, since part of the sugar available in the country has already been contracted, and due to the ban, producers will not be able to fulfill the contracts and send the goods on time . In addition, this will have a negative impact on the amount of foreign exchange earnings of sugar factories.
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