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JRC MARS Bulletin

Cold and rainy conditions delay sugar beet sowing in the main production regions

In France, Belgium and the Netherlands, early sowing started at the beginning of March, but sowing progressed extremely slowly due to frequent rains and overly wet soils. In France, by the end of March only 8% of fields were sown, whereas in the Netherlands by mid-April less than 10% of sowing progress was reported. In an average year, well over 50% of the sowing would have been accomplished by these dates. Such significant delays are expected to have a negative impact on yield potentials. In Germany the early sowing was reported during the second dekad of March but sowing activity gained in intensity at the end of March and during the first half of April, delayed compared to last season due to prevailing rainy conditions, especially in the important sugar producing regions of north-west Germany. Likewise, in Poland the sowing campaign started on time in mid-March but has been progressing slowly due to periods of low temperatures (end of March, beginning of April), and rainy conditions that have hampered field works. The sowing campaign accelerated during the first half of April with an onset of more favourable conditions, and should be finalised by the end of the month (slightly delayed compared to previous years). The conditions for early development of seedlings are favourable. In Czechia, Slovakia and Austria, conditions were generally favourable for sowing. In Hungary, the sowing campaign that started on time in late March subsequently slowed due to a cold and wet spell. In Türkiye, the sowing campaign has just commenced under generally favourable conditions.